The past week has been a pretty “mixed-use” time. First, I did a lot of iLife for this website. With all of the new Reports, Photos, etc., I am finally caught up with myself and ready to move ahead. Second, I did a little bit of visiting with old friends and checked out some old haunts around Atlanta. Although the friends and haunts were pretty much the same as they were when I lived here 20-30 years ago, I’m afraid I can’t say the same for Atlanta itself. The “lovely little city” I knew no longer exists and the “metropolis” is booming. Construction and development are going on everywhere, and the traffic is simply impossible. I mean no offense, but I’ve been here for almost a month and that is about as much as I can handle. Which brings me to my third area of activity, “getting ready to hit the road.”

After a lot of research, I abandoned my idea of crossing the Caribbean. Because I have a firm date for meeting my folks in Costa Rica, I need at least semi-reliable transportation to get there. I was unable to find any such means across the water, so I have planned to take a land route through Mexico and Central America. As a result, I will be leaving here on Sunday by train to New Orleans, then on to San Antonio where I will catch a bus to the border town of Laredo. I intend to cross into Mexico late next week then work my way to Mexico City and onward from there.
Voyage related preparation has included a trip to the local REI to get some lighter weight, tropical pants and a new pair of walking shoes to replace the ones I’ve already worn out. While I was there, I got a new day pack that will better serve my needs -- now that I actually know what they are -- than the one I’ve been using. Also, I have replaced my old Canon S400 “point and shoot” camera which had become a bit “flaky” and unreliable. The new one is a Nikon L6 and I’m very happy with it so far. (I doubt I need to tell you that I’ve gotten at least four times the camera for less than half the money!) Over the next few days I will wrap up my Atlanta visit, replenish various supplies and repack my gear, ready to continue south on
The Voyage of Macgellan...
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