Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Logbook: Underway... Overweight...

Underway2At 5:30 this morning, I enacted in reality a vision I had almost exactly one year ago: With a Mac and a pack, I walked to the corner and got on a bus. Seattle Metro carried me from Greenwood and 85th street to downtown and I walked a ways to the train station. Amtrak checked me in and informed me that my pack was over their strict 50 pound weight limit, so I was very glad I had planned for “offloading” some of my gear into a small collapsible duffel! With a small adjustment made, the train left Seattle at 7:30 am and arrived in Portland at 11:15 am where I transferred immediately to a bus which took me on a 1.5 hour ride to Salem. A brief stop-over -- with just enough time to have a bowl of chowder and a salad at the quaint “Depot” restaurant -- and I was on the next bus for another 1.5 hour ride to Newport. Arriving at 4 pm, I found a so-so motel that proudly advertises its “high speed internet access in every room” (Internet, yes... hi-speed, not so much) and checked in. I poured myself a dram of my beloved scotch and made a check of e-mail (Thanks to all of you for your thoughtful and supportive bon voyages!) and a couple of Skypes. Dinner time rolled around and I was quite happy to find a decent salmon meal at a nearby diner. Now my belly is full and I am exhausted! Looking forward to a good night’s sleep and another day on the Voyage tomorrow!

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