While passing through Mansfield, OH on my US 30 Lincoln Highway road trip, I stopped at the historic Ohio State Reformatory and was fortunate to be able to take a tour offered by the Mansfield Reformatory Preservation Society. I have prepared this Report to give you a little history of the facility and to share the highlights of my tour. Many thanks to all of the Society’s volunteers who are putting so much of themselves into the renovation of this important site and also to my good friend Stephen Jacob for once again providing a perfect piece of background music! (Note: This Report includes my first attempt at narration. I think it turned out pretty well and adds a lot to the video -- hopefully worth all the extra production effort! Please let me know what you think!)
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Logbook: St. Louis
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Logbook: The End of the Road Trip
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Logbook: The Hi-Line
In the morning (yesterday) we started the day with a brief internet check-in (Greg was a good boy and Skyped his wife back in Seattle) then had breakfast and headed out of town. The miles just fly by on the Hi-Line at the posted speed limit of 75 mph, and by the time we reached Culbertson -- 261 miles form Havre -- we figured we’d pretty much had the “Hi-Line experience” and decided to head southeast through the “badlands” -- or at least “not-so-good-lands”-- of the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. What a drive! Miles upon miles of absolutely nothing! By about 6pm -- after 8 hours of driving -- we were ready to stop for the day and tried to find a room in Medora, ND, the “center” of the Park. Alas, no rooms were available so we headed east again, trying Dickinson, Richardton and Glen Ullin before finally finding a cheap, basic, “good enough” room in a roadside motel in New Salem. Needless to say, the place had no internet, so we got up this morning, drove here to Bismark and have found breakfast and an internet cafe. In a little while we will head east again, bound for Fargo, ND.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Musing: Who is US?
After a month of voyaging repeatedly between city and country, I am as aware of this as I have ever been. I'm also powerfully reminded about how important it is for us to mind our own business and not superimpose our decisions and rules on others whose realities we do not share. This is difficult, of course, in a country like the US where popular vote has the power -- it's just so easy for the urban majority to make rules that make sense to them but which may be insane for the distant, rural minority. So here's a thought experiment that has entertained me on the road recently: Suppose voting was done by area instead of population. What might the rules for Seattle, New York, Chicago and San Francisco be if Alaska, Montana and the Dakotas got to vote their proportionate land mass instead of their head count? To a Montana rancher with 25,000 acres, paving land to make parking lots or cutting grass and throwing away the clippings might well be viewed as a wasteful devastation of precious land.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Logbook: Trego-Libby-Eureka, MT
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Logbook: Portland, OR - Whitefish, MT
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Logbook: Oregon Coast
From there we went to the campground where I was very impressed at the teamwork involved in setting everything up... Especially young Christian who did a fine job assembling my deluxe private tent! The rest of the day was happily spent on the beach and having dinner. Friday was mostly a lazy camp day, highlighted by a nice 2.5 mile walk out onto the ocean bluff. Saturday morning we all packed up and drove to Portland. We had a bittersweet parting as they dropped me off at my motel; glad to have had our special time together to kick off The Voyage, looking forward to more good times ahead, and knowing that things will be different for some time to come.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Logbook: Underway... Overweight...
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