First of all, I think you might enjoy this flashback. A photo of us last night, and another of us at the very beginning of my first Voyage of Macgellan back in 2006. Time flies... 'Nuff said!

The Tacoma Dome was packed with a crowd of 16,000 very enthusiastic fans. Most of us were on our feet for the entire show, especially the mass of humanity surrounding -- and within -- the stage.

The staging and production were epic in scale, but they were dwarfed by the performance. For over two hours, GaGa sang, danced and connected with the audience. Even more compelling was her constant outpouring of her message: Acceptance, compassion and love of each other. I really like her music -- most of it, at least -- but I am in awe of her as human being. I am a "little monster."

My favorite moment in the concert was her circuit of the projected stage ramps on this extraordinary "trike" which must have been driven by some kind of remote control. I don't know how concert folk dream up this kind of stuff, but they certainly have found a way to "bring it" with Lady GaGa!

The bottom line is that it was a fantastic concert and I enjoyed it immensely. The line below that, of course, is that I had another wonderful time with Devon. She is an extraordinary young woman whom I am honored to know and to be included in her life. Happy Birthday, Devon!
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