Friday, September 22, 2017

Happy: States I've Peed In Update!

Hi, it's me, Happy! Giving you an update on states I've peed in. Look at my new map!

I've told the boss we need to make a New England circuit and a trip to the Deep South. He says we might do just that! How am I going to pee in Hawaii?


Unknown said...

Happy, I'd love to take you on disaster response trip for Red Cross to Florida just so you could pee there!
I would guess you pee in Hawaii like everywhere drop at a time.....

Anonymous said...

Well Happy, you book a flight (at night when Mac is sleeping), tell him you are going out for a short run, hop a taxi to the airport, present your ticket to the cutest agent, and WAHLAH you are on a flight to Hawaii.

Anonymous said...

Easy Happy- You book a flight when Mac is sleeping, tell him you need to go for a short run, hop a taxi to the airport, present your ticket to a cute agent, and WAHLAH! You are on your way to Hawaii. There are a lot of trees there so you can take your pick.

Moira said...

Wow Happy! Nice going!